
Hi, welcome to my blog about our IVF journey. My husband and I live in sunny California. We have been married since 2011. We knew immediately that we wanted to start a family. After seeing our doctor and various "Specialist" doctors, it was determined that I had severe endometriosis. Having this will hinder our ability to start a family. I was sad and disappointed, but we were determined to get through this.

2011: We started seeing an OBGYN who "specialized" in infertility. That resulted in 10+ of ultrasounds with no actions. :(

2012: We changed our OBGYN. I had a laparoscopy to remove the endometriosis. Our OBGYN had me on Lupron for 9 months. Lupron was suppose to suppress the endometriosis from coming back.

2013: We went to an IVF specialist and are still seeing our IVF specialist.

When I first started on this journey, I was not prepared for where the journey would take us. But now I'm in the thick of it. I have to admit, at times it is hard and am too emotionally invested. Like other IF ladies, I'm surrounded by friends and family who do not have the same battles as us. So it leads to comments from others who do not understand what we are going through.

I hope that sharing my experience, you'll find this blog useful.

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I've been married for the last 2 years. My journey with endometriosis has been trying and a learning experience overall. Since then, my DH and I have decided to start a family with the help of IVF. This is our journey with the IVF cycles...


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